Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Bag Fund Plan

Okay, I could not sleep last night because I was thinking which bag I'm going to save up first. I have always wanted the Azur Speedy in 30. That's actually the first LV I fell in love with... But then I was thinking about functionality as well, having two young children I need something I can wear with less hassle plus something that can fit more things, hence, the need for a Batignolles Horizontal.

I have figured out that if I started putting away $100 a fortnight starting January I can come up with the money to buy either one by my birthday (which is on May), the question is which bag? The BH is about $100 more than the Azur but definitely worth the price tag. I will probably just leave it to my instincts when I have them both on hand, I am swearing I am going to have both anyway it's just a question of which's first!

Will keep you's posted once I start the "bag fund"... Hope I don't get side tracked!

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